Top Website Design Mistakes To Avoid

Top Website Design Mistakes To Avoid

Starting out, designing a website that brings in sales might seem much of a work. Many beginners end up making certain common mistakes that ruin the site altogether, and all efforts go waste. Living in a competitive world where customers research well before buying any products or services, your website must be compelling and valuable enough to ensure that your visitors remain hooked to your portal.

A poorly designed site results in losing your customers and causing a reduction in your sales. To make things easier for you, we have listed the top mistakes that you need to avoid while developing your business website.

No Responsive Design

The first and foremost aspect to consider while designing your website is to make it mobile-friendly. There are more mobile users today and modern-day customers prefer buying online through their smartphones. Check whether each of your menu options, buttons, and contact details are clearly visible on a smartphone or tablet and a user can navigate through your content smoothly.

Hidden Navigation

Never hide your menu options as your visitors won’t work too much to look for the desired information. They will only browse through the menus or buttons that are clearly visible. Also, avoid using horizontal scrolls, about which most of your customers won’t have any idea. Ensure that every essential content is clearly placed in the visible area and that your users are able to find what they came here for easily.

No Favicon

Users give more importance to websites that have clearly visible favicons, especially those who have the habit of opening too many tabs simultaneously while browsing. Most of us leave several tabs together in order to come back later, mostly to make comparisons between various services or products. If you don’t have a favicon, it is less likely that a potential buyer will return, thus reducing the chances of that lead getting converted.

Slow Page Loads Speeds

A slow website is one of the major causes of your increasing bounce rates. Make sure to optimize all your web pages right from the beginning and run a test to check that every content is loading smoothly. Compress all your high-resolution images or videos to increase your speeds.

As per Google recommendations, an ideal website should be loading within 2 seconds, which is the threshold limit for any eCommerce site accessibility. Nobody will wait for more than 4-5 seconds and would simply leave.

Using Too Many Fonts or Colors

Using multiple font styles and types tend to confuse the reader and break the consistency, thus hampering the message you want to convey. Your visitor will easily get distracted and simply leave your site and land on your competitor’s portal. Similarly, avoid using too many colors. Stick to 2-3 shades that contrast each other well. Keep things simple and professional.

Content is not Optimized

Without providing quality content to your readers, your website won’t be here for long. Work on adding value to your content and make them as informative as possible. Today’s consumers love reading meaningful, engaging, and ultra-targeted content. Use your keywords wisely and avoid overdoing them. Make sure your content is scannable and focused on your visitors’ interests.

In conclusion, do your competitive research and keyword analysis well to get started and focus on the appeal of your website.

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